Wednesday, April 18, 2012

A Year Come and Gone

I see that it has been a year since I have posted anything. Sometimes silence is golden. :-)
And now a word about Obama Care. From what I understand, it has very little to do with care and a great deal to do with redistribution of wealth and services mainly away from the elderly. This causes me to wonder a great deal about the motives of the architects of this inhumane bit of foolery which has been foisted upon the American public. There is something cruel and arbitrary about a society which discards its elders and the unborn. These words are quite an understatement. I wonder about those whose thinking is guided by such an ideology. Do they not realize that they too, if they are lucky, will someday reach the other side of life? Do they not anticipate what will happen to them if such public policy is left in place? Since, paradigm shifts never stay in one place but continue to evolve once set in motion, one wonders where this will all lead. Cannibalizing an entire segment of a population is never a good idea, because as we all know; you are what you eat!
And this reminds new favorite TV program is Betty White's Off Their Rockers on NBC. Have you seen it?